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Grade 9 English allows students to develop their skills in oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy; skills which are essential to their success both in academics and in their daily lives. Throughout this course, students will be asked to analyze literary texts from both contemporary and historical periods, as well as interpret informational and graphic texts. Students will also have the opportunity to learn multiple strategies for effective communication through the creation of oral, written and media texts.

Summary Of Units And Timelines For Grade 9 English ENG1D

Below is the suggested sequence of course unit delivery as well as the recommended number of hours to complete the respective unit. For complete details of targeted expectations within each unit and activity, please see each Unit Overview found in the ENG1D course profile.

Unit OrderUnit NameSuggested Time
Unit 1Poetry20 Hours
Unit 2Non-Fiction20 Hours
Unit 3Short Stories18 Hours
Unit 4Novel Study25 Hours
Unit 5Drama25 Hours
FINALFinal Exam2 Hours
View Sample GradebookTotal110 Hours

Please be aware that, as per Ministry guidelines, OVS has a mandatory minimum requirement of 14 days enrollment for students to be eligible for a midterm report card and 28 days enrollment to be eligible for a final report card.

Fundamental Concepts Covered In Grade 9 Online Course

The English curriculum is dedicated to developing the knowledge and skills on which literacy is based – that is, knowledge and skills in the areas of listening and speaking, reading, writing, and viewing and representing. Students need language skills in order to comprehend ideas and information, to interact socially, to inquire into areas of interest and study, and to express themselves clearly and demonstrate their learning. As students read and reflect on a rich variety of literary, informational, and media texts,1 they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others and of the world around them. Students use and develop important language skills as they read and think about topics, themes, and issues in various subject areas. Language facility helps students to learn in all subject areas, and using language for a broad range of purposes increases both their ability to communicate with precision and their understanding of how language works. Students develop flexibility and proficiency in their understanding and use of language over time. The English curriculum is based on the belief that language learning is critical to responsible and productive citizenship, and that all students can become successful language learners. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that they need to achieve this goal. It aims to help students become successful language learners. Successful language learners:

  • Understand that language learning is a necessary, life-enhancing, reflective process;
  • Communicate – that is, read, listen, view, speak, write, and represent – effectively and with confidence; make meaningful connections between themselves, what they encounter in texts, and the world around them;
  • Think critically;
  • understand that all texts advance a particular point of view that must be recognized, questioned, assessed, and evaluated;
    Appreciate the cultural impact and aesthetic power of texts;
  • Use language to interact and connect with individuals and communities, for personal growth, and for active participation as world citizens.

Teaching And Learning Strategies In An Online School




ENG1D-Grade 9 English


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