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We specialize in quality education for the busy student.​ Many of our students are elite athletes who have extensive training and travel schedules.  Our learning management platform powered by NPU Canada (BSID #82700), provides flexibility for the busy student and live prep school campus and options around the world.

All our courses follow the Ontario Ministry of Education requirements and are nationally and internationally recognized. All credits count towards your grade 12 high school diploma and University eligibility.

Courses take 110 hours to complete. A full-time students can expect between 800-900 of class per academic year.

Exams Sessions

All exams must be supervised by a qualified proctor.

  • Campus STUDENTS MUST write exams at school.

  • Off-campus students may use our video proctoring service or schedule an exam at either our NPU campus or at one of our approved proctoring centres. Proctoring fees apply.

  • Please contact us for more information if you are out of town.

Ontario High School Diplomacy

Eligible graduating students can obtain an Ontario high school diploma. A typical student must complete:

  • Grade 11 or equivalent (Secondary V  for Quebec students)

  • Academic Transcript approval

  • 6 pre-university courses

  • 10-40 hours of community service (10 hrs if completed grade 11)

  • Ontario Literacy Course & exam

  • Click here for curriculum & profiles

CEGEP Alternative?

The grade 12 pre-university program can provide a different pathway for students in the province of Quebec. Note that certain restrictions apply. We recommend that students verify Grade 12 course requirements for University Admission.

University Admissions Info
Click on the University logo below
Course Fees
  • 399$: Full time registration

  • 579$/course Canadian Students

  • 1500$: International Registration

  • 1224$/course International Students

  • 250$: course change fee (restrictions apply)

  • 250$: course extensions (for 3 months)

  • SAT test (see

  • 90$ per exam (videoconferencing)

  • Refund Policy  100% before 7 days, No refunds thereinafter.

  • Registration fee is not refundable

  • Campus fees: Tuition varies depending on school services offered and live teaching content.


Important Info:


  • UQAM, UQO & UQAC et  UQAR, do not accept grade 12 students

  • Certain restrictions apply.

  • University of Sherbrooke: Only prep year science options  available.

  • Please contact your university for more information

  • Medicine requires a Bachelor's of science degree

  • Law requires either a bachelor's degree or CEGEP.

  • Students will be expected to complete 30 more credits than a CEGEP graduate.

  • Click on university logos below for admissions link.

Community Involvement

Please download the form by clicking on the PDF document. Note that all students must complete at least 10 hours per grade level with a reputable organization. When completed, please email to

  • Can I take one course at a time? Yes

  • Do I need to purchase extra materiel such as books? No

  • What do I need to complete the courses? Computer & Wifi

  • How long can I take to complete a course? 356 days

  • Can I schedule my exams at any time? Yes (certain restrictions)

  • Can I be accepted to Universities in Quebec? Yes, except for UQAM and other UQ...universities. Some restrictions may apply.

  • Where can I write the SAT test? We refer students to College Board. Please visit their website for more answers. SATs are usually held at McGill University or Vanier College.

  • Can I take any course that is offered on the Ontario Virtual School Website? Yes

  • Why do I have to go through NPU when I try and register on the Ontario Virtual School website? NPU and OVS operate as the same entity. However, to offer students a better service, we operate as NPU in the province of Quebec.

  • Can I retroactively take courses? Yes, we offer many courses as of grade 9. Please contact us for more details.

  • Why is tuition slightly more expensive on the NPU website? Note that Quebec and out of province students must be registered into the Ontario system which incurs extra costs.

Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.


         NPU Canada BSID #882700

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