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HFA4U explores the relationships between food, energy balance, and nutritional status; our nutritional needs at different stages of life; and the role of nutrition in health and disease. Throughout this course, students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and examine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility. They will also learn about healthy eating, expand their repertoire of food-preparation techniques, and develop their social science research skills by investigating issues related to nutrition and health.

Summary Of Units And Timelines For Grade 12 Nutrition And Health HFA4U

Below is the suggested sequence of course unit delivery as well as the recommended number of hours to complete the respective unit. For complete details of targeted expectations within each unit and activity, please see each Unit Overview found in the HFA4U course profile.

Unit OrderUnit NameSuggested Time
Unit 1Food Safety and Preparation25 Hours
Unit 2Nutrition and Health25 Hours
Unit 3Eating Patterns and Trends25 Hours
Unit 4Local and Global Issues25 Hours
FinalSummative Task10 Hours
Total110 Hours

Please be aware that, as per Ministry guidelines, OVS has a mandatory minimum requirement of 14 days enrollment for students to be eligible for a midterm report card and 28 days enrollment to be eligible for a final report card.

Fundamental Concepts Covered In Grade 12 Online Course

Exploring: Students will be introduced to concepts related to nutrition, healthy eating, the role of nutrition in health and disease, as well as food-preparation techniques.

Investigating: Student will investigate issues related to nutrition and health, locating and selecting information relevant to their chosen topics, using appropriate social science research and inquiry methods.

Processing Information: Students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and determine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility.

Communicating & Reflecting: Students will communicate the results of their research and inquiry clearly and effectively, and reflect on and evaluate their research, inquiry, and communication skills.

Health & Nutrition

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